Asus NC1 - Portable active noise reduction headphones - Impressions of Use

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Impressions of Use


Sound quality and versatility

We connected the headphones to a PC and we tried them in gaming, movies and listening to music. Subsequently, we also tested them on a Sandisk Sansa Clip MP3 player and an electronic keyboard, so to try using the 6.3 mm adapter. What emerged is that was a really high quality sound, a very clean sound and without any audible distortion. The ability to use active noise reduction in every case of use makes it possible to "isolate" from the outside in a rather effective manner. If we have to find defects, we can say that especially in the use of film/game the lack of a subwoofer and 5.1 surround sound can be a lack.


Remote control

Much compact, is used to control a number of essential functions: mute, volume control and on/off of the active noise reduction. It seemed very comfortable and well-functioning, especially the volume seems very sensitive and able to adjust the volume in a very wide range of decibels. The mute function is activated by holding down the corresponding button: dropping back it to hear the audio. With regard to the battery housed inside the remote control, it must be said that it is necessary to have the ANC function, i.e., the active noise reduction feature. In the absence of it is always possible to use the headphones, but only in passive mode, i.e. without this feature. Battery life with ANC turned on is about 100 hours.



Active Noise Reduction

The enabling of this mode, possible via the appropriate switch, is signaled by a red LED on the remote control. We have verified that this function is actually very efficient. Ambient noise becomes very little noticeable. Surely it is not only a useful feature for those who want to use these headphones to the PC, so as to minimize, if you have not very quiet fans, the discomfort derived from them, but also for other uses for which these headphones are designed: travel by air or by other means, typically very noisy. The disadvantage of this solution is necessary to point out is that there seemed to increase the sound pressure, not so high but still perceptible. Besides this, when there is no sound playing, with this feature enabled there is a noticeable background noise, evidently produced to reduce the perception of environmental sounds, absent, however, when this mode is disabled by the button on the remote control.



The NC1 seemed to us a very ergonomic product. Surely the lightness is their big plus, allowing you to take them for long periods without having any kind of fatigue given by weight. Good the way in which they fit the user's head, being the bows very flexible and adjustable through the special hinges.  The pavilions, we have to say that do not fully cover the ear of the player isolating them from the outside, but the impression when wearing headphones is a good sense of winding and insulation from the outside. Returning to the bow, it must be said that the two pads at the top in order to reduce head contact with the plastic appeared to be very minimal. However they are more than enough, given the extremely light weight of this set.